Saturday, 4 October 2014

8,000 poppies and still counting!

What an amazing effort this is by the many dedicated women who continue to knit and crochet poppies and as well as some women concentrating on making felt poppies. One of our ladies is crocheting small poppies which have a brooch pin sewn on and can be used by men and maybe even the travelling school group who are going to Gallipoli next year. Everyone deserves congratulations for their great efforts working towards our aim of 10,000 poppies.
At the Crafty Tuesday last week there were lots of poppies handed in which included 500 from Margot. This collection included ones made in Vanuatu, in the Whitsundays as well as in the Snowy Mts. in the past 3 months. It never ceases to amaze me where the poppies are being made which are then added to our collection here at St Alban’s Anglican Church in Forster. We will have a lovely problem of how to display all these poppies at the rededication of the War Memorial at Tuncurry in late February and then on ANZAC Day. However, I’m sure that will all be organised and they will make an amazing display as well as lining the pathways of the War memorial. It will be a great reminder all the people who have been part of military forces.

Outlook across the beach where the poppies were made in Espiritu Santo, Vanuatu    

        Many of the poppies spilling out of the raffia Vanuatu bag.

Display of the variety of poppies made as people cruised in the Whitsundays     


Geraldine, one of the dedicated poppy makers sitting in the sun on a yacht in the Whitsundays in September 2014

Poppy makers were looking out across these snow gums to the snow covered mountains in the background as they made poppies.             

This is a display of those poppies in the snow


Dedications    I’m aware that some people have attached dedications to their poppies. If you would let Julie know by email at:, we’ll make a list of all the names of the people for whom the poppies are dedicated and include them on the blog.
Keep making poppies all you wonderful people.