Felt red for your petals and black for your centre circle. Scraps are fine
pieces of eyebrow wool – very fluffy black wool with long ‘fringe’
Optional -*- hot glue or tacky glue
1 Cut your pieces out of felt. For the petals, cut a strip of felt about 5cms - 2 inches tall. You don’t really need a pattern to cut the petals, they’re just rectangles with a rounded top. The curve of your thumb should make a perfect template. Trace your shape onto one end of the felt, cut it out, and use that as your guide to cut out 4 or 5 more petals for one flower, all the same size and shape
2. With your needle threaded you’re now going to stitch the five or six petals together. Holding the bottom of the petal, (the flat side opposite the curve) fold the flat side in half. Then fold the edges up towards the fold. Push the needle through the four layers, near the edge of the flat side.
3. String the other petals onto the thread. Pull the ends of the thread to gather the petals together. Pull it nice and tight and tie a couple of knots to make your flower.
4. Cut a small felt circle of black felt. Now sew some fluffy wool around the edge of the centre. Now stitch it to the centre of the flower with a matching thread - a simple blanket stitch – the fluffy wool on the underneath surface of the centre.
5. Some French knots in a contrasting thread colour could be added for a little extra bit of detail. Sew a circle of red felt under the poppy. A little green leaf could also be added.
Any dedication is sewn on the back of the poppy..
Other felt poppy pattern