The Forster-Tuncurry RSL
sub-branch has also offered to support the project and given money
towards the advertising in the local paper, The Great Lakes Advocate. We
thank them and are grateful for their continuing support.
variety of poppies we've made. |
It would be greatly appreciated if poppies could be handed in each month so we can report a total. It seems there are about 200+ already made but not yet handed in to the Parish Office.
Hours : Mon- Friday 9am - 4pm; Friday 9am - noon ph 6555 4200
Monday 31st March - The owner of a local craft shop in Tuncurry is setting up a display with our larger poster (enlarged thanks to the Advocate) with knitted, crochet and felt poppies around it as well as some of his memorabilia. The Advocate newspaper has been very generous with reduced price advertisements as well as making 10 large copies of our small A4 poster.
Wednesday 26th March - the article about our project appeared in the local paper, the Advocate, with a photo of some of us busily making poppies. We're hoping the mayor will be joining our rector and the RSL sub-branch president at the public launch of our project on ANZAC Day , but not confirmed yet.
On 25th March 2014, we had 12 women busily making poppies at our St Alban's Crafty Tuesdays - knitting, crocheting and making felt poppies. We have now had 5 Crafty Tuesday workshops where we're busily making POPPIES! There are now about 100 poppies completed and packed up for storage until Feb. 2015. There are many more incomplete or not yet 'handed in' to us (Julie and Margot) The 1,000 black buttons have arrived so it will make finishing poppies easy. The eyelash yarn around the buttons looks so good.
On ANZAC Day this year we will have our parish priest and the president of the Forster-Tuncurry RSL sub branch present at the Official launch of this Community project.

Already numerous posters(like the one left) have been printed and laminated and distributed around Forster and Tuncurry shopping areas. Julie and Margot had sore feet after that effort one Monday recently.
Poppies may be left at St Alban's Parish Office, 4 St Alban's Place, FORSTER 2428.
Office hours: Monday - Friday 9am - 4pm