We continue to be amazed by the number of poppies we're receiving. It's wonderful. One woman sent us 100 that she'd knitted for our project - great work indeed. Many women around the Forster area are handing in bags with 10-30 poppies in each. This means
we now have over 1,900 poppies! Our target of 5,000 for ANZAC Day next year looks as if we'll achieve it easily. This means we may be able to give more to the smaller centres around the Great Lakes area to use at their services while still having a large mass of poppies at the Tuncurry memorials. We do plan to send some to the originators of the Poppy project to be used in Federation Square next year.
Julie has been experimenting with the ribbed poppy pattern, doing 3rib as well as 4 rib and a 4 knit, 2 purl rib. Photo below is of these different ribbed poppies. The top left 4 x 2; top
right 4 x 4 ; bottom poppy is the 3 x 3 rib. They seem to look a bit more like poppy petals.
Some of our poppies will be decorating the churches at Forster and Tuncurry on Pentecost Sunday 8th June instead of other red flowers - they look marvellous on the branches in vases!
Our crafty Tuesdays continue to be a great time of chat and laughter - as well as poppy making.
The next community workshop is on 10th June and, as usual, is at St Alban's Anglican Church hall, Forster. Hoping to see some of you there.